Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Snow day a chance to slow down

This first published December 25, 2008 in the Henderson Home News, a Community Newspapers of Nevada publication.

It was the night our community came to a screeching, sliding, bumper-to-bumper halt. As beautiful and refreshing as a heavy winter snowstorm in Northern Nevada or Southern Utah can be, last week’s storm here generated a surreal introduction and closing for the last week before Christmas and the new year.

The massive and beautiful snowfall brought our community to a standstill. There were many people who were concerned for the safety of family, friends and their employees. For others, this day brought a sense of calm, appreciation of family, friends and neighbors, and created a time to be still, a time for reflection.

It is ironic that in this time of financial duress and instability, the frantic holiday pace to get everything wrapped and tied with a bow, Mother Nature, with her glory of her winter wisdom, bestowed upon us the greatest gift of all.

It was the gift of being still, of reaching out to help others, businesses helping their employees and customers, the gift of prayer for those hungry and without shelter from cold and winter snow. She gave us the ultimate gift of love and appreciation for all who live in and represent our community.

Mother Nature gave Southern Nevadans the opportunity to experience the “reason for the season.”

This holiday season, our spirit of community has been renewed. The air is filled with hope and the health and well-being of all, and it’s packaged so that we can carry Mother Nature’s gifts forward into the new year.

So, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Colleen O’Callaghan-Miele, co-publisher of the Home News, can be reached at 990-2653 or She writes a regular column for the Home News.

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